Trademark Registration Attorneys Serving New Jersey

When you have started using a trademark or are considering using one when marketing goods or a service mark with selling services, the next step is registration. Registering your trademark will allow you to protect your legal rights. Without registration, you can still own a trademark through use, but you will have fewer ways to enforce your rights, if necessary.

Our trademark lawyer helps creators and vendors of goods and services understand the benefits of registering trademarks and service marks. Many come to our firm, the Barsik Law Office, through the processes of registering their trademarks and service marks at the state, federal and international levels.

Register Your Trademark Now


Protecting Rights To Use Trademarks And Service Marks

Trademark and service mark ownership may take the form of one or more of the following:

  • Common law rights, which may be enforceable in courts of law with sufficient evidence

  • Registration in states that have provisions for trademark registration, such as those available through the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services

  • Registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for federal protection

  • Registration in up to 100 or more countries through the Madrid Protocol

Benefits from registering trademarks and service marks include the following:

  • A registered trademark will be in official databases.

  • With registration, a legal presumption of ownership of the trademark will exist.

  • A USPTO registration certificate will prove ownership in federal court; the same is true in applicable state courts.

  • The owner of a USPTO registration filing will have the option to file for trademark protection in many foreign countries.

  • Your trademark or service mark registration with the USPTO will give you the right to bring a lawsuit regarding it in federal court.

Each type of trademark registration brings with it unique opportunities and involves unique processes. We help our clients understand, select and carry out the most appropriate types of trademark registration.

A Knowledgeable Trademark Lawyer Can Simplify Trademark Registration And Get It Done For You

Resolve doubts and avoid complications as you seek to secure your exclusive right to use your trademarks. Get help enforcing your registered trademarks and managing your trademark portfolio.

Call or send an email inquiry to schedule a consultation with our New Jersey trademark attorney at the Barsik Law Office.